Laboratory Testing Services

Micro Analytuicak Consultancy

Laboratory and Biological Services test products and materials across industries, markets and locations.

Intertek providing clients across the world with quality control, research, testing, measurement, and certification activities for industry, commerce, markets, institutions, and governments.

Industries benefiting from Intertek state-of-the-art laboratory services include consumer, petroleum, chemical, materials, energy, electronic, pharmaceutical, food, medical, minerals, and more. Testing follows ASTM, ISO, and many other industry standards.

Industries we have served:

Cosmetics | Dairy | Food and beverages | Pharmaceuticals

Water management | Packaging | Others on request

Just some of the testing that we do

Isolation of /Testing for:

Salmonella | E.coli | Staph aureus | Listeria mono | E.coli 0157 | B. cereus | Yeasts | Moulds | Total Plate Counts

Coliforms | Enterobacteriaceae | Lactobacillus | Clostridium | Bacillus Cereus | Colony Count

Microbiological Analysis

Presence and Enumeration of Foodborne Pathogens

Identification of Bacteria

Preservative challenge testing

Bactericidal Efficacy Testing

Environmental Surveys

Hygiene Audits

Sterility Evaluation

Growth Promotion Tests

Bacterial Identifications

Water Testing